4166am金沙信心之选澳大利亚研究中心与澳大利亚驻沪总领事馆联合举办“2015年澳大利亚作家论坛”。319日,澳大利亚探险家、作家、制片人Tim Cope莅临闵行畅谈其欧亚骑行之旅,探讨心路历程中的心灵感悟。320日, 澳大利亚金牌政治记者、作家Paul Kelly携其获奖新作前来就澳中关系、澳大利亚政治等问题做精彩演讲。环球时报英文版报道如下:


 "No Australian government would risk losing China as an important business and political partner," commented Australia's most renowned political journalist, commentator, and award-winning author, Paul Kelly.

Hailed by the Consul General of Australia in Shanghai Alice Cawte as a "contemporary Sima Qian," refering to the father of Chinese historiography, Kelly was in Shanghai to give talks on Sino-Australian relations, Australian politics and its economic future.

Speaking to more than 70 students and faculty members at the Australian Writers' Forum organized by East China Normal University (ECNU)'s Australian Studies Centre last Friday, Kelly was confident that China-Australia relations would continue to grow to the mutual benefit of both countries.

Also speaking at the writers' forum was Australian adventurer, author and filmmaker Tim Cope, who described to an audience of 50 his epic horseback adventure from Mongolia to Hungary, dubbed On the Trail of Genghis Khan.

Established in 1985, ECNU's Australian Studies Centre is one of the largest and most active institutions in China specializing in the teaching and research of Australian culture, literature, diplomacy, politics, education and society.

"This year we will have a series of academic activities of both intellectual and social importance, including the third annual conference of the Foundation for Australian Studies in China," said the center's director, Professor Chen Hong.


来源|Global Times  2015-3-23  Posted in: Metro Shanghai  阅读原文



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