New term begins, so too does ECNU English-Chinese Corner. In September, the ECC group teachers have done lots of preparation work. Thanks for their hard work and the passion of the student applicants to become a family member of our Corner, together with the many wonderful application letters. The selective interviews on two campuses were very successful and a new generation of Core-organizers (COs) have emerged. They are all very open-minded, vigorous, kind and always willing to be helpful. They will help organize activities of cross-culture communications with both Chinese and international students.
In addition, there will be two honored American teachers Erin and Benji this semester. Students are expected to participate in the interactions after their amazing 40-minute lectures and will experience the Chinese cultures by excellent presentations given by our Core-organizers as well. Furthermore, students will be grouped into team work so that they can have heated and focused discussions with Chinese or foreign friends in both English and Chinese.
Yesterday, COs on the two campuses had a meeting with ECC group teachers to discuss about how to devise forms, topics, and aims of ECC activities. They also figure out how to perform one’s best in a team work.